Passionate about the Waterfront and Marine Environment. No Job too BIG or too small.


S.C. State Ports Authority (Wando Welch Terminal)



The proposed work consists of conducting new work and maintenance dredging to improve navigation access, installing a sheet pile toe wall to protect the adjacent shoreline, and installing new fender piles so barges can be safely loaded and unloaded at WWT. In detail, the applicant has proposed to dredge approximately 160,000 cubic yards of new work material in order to deepen the existing berth at WWT from -52 feet Mean Low Water (MLW) to -58 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). The proposed depth is 2 feet deeper than the previously authorized Charleston Harbor navigation channel (-52 feet MLLW+ 2 feet of advanced maintenance + 2 feet of allowable overdepth). The 2 foot difference between the depth of the berth and the adjacent Wando Turning Basin is consistent with existing dredging practices in Charleston Harbor and is required to address extreme low tidal variation. In addition, approximately 90,000 cubic yards of maintenance material would be dredged each year to maintain the depth of the berth.

S.C. State Ports Authority (Hugh K. Leatherman, Sr. Terminal)



The proposed work consists of conducting new work and maintenance dredging to improve navigation access to HLT and extending the existing rock revetment to protect the shoreline and the base of the pile supported wharf. In detail, the applicant has proposed to dredge approximately 2.5 million cubic yards of new work material in order to deepen the -49-foot Mean Low Water (MLW) access channel to the same depth as the adjacent Charleston Harbor Post-45 navigation channel (-52 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) + 2 feet of advanced maintenance + 2 feet of allowable overdepth), and to deepen the berth to a depth of -52 feet MLLW +2 feet of advanced maintenance + 2 feet extreme low tidal variation + 2 feet of allowable overdepth. As shown on drawing sheet 9 of 9, the proposed work includes dredging an approximately 50-foot wide by 10-foot deep area and backfilling this area with a 10-foot deep layer of bedding and armor stone (approximately 130,000 cubic yards). 

City of Charleston & Leucadia Coast Properties, LLC



The proposed work consists of constructing an expansion to the existing Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Waterfront Park to include a new pubic dock/marina within the Charleston Harbor/Cooper River. In detail, the proposed project consist of placing 8,000 cubic yards of fill material into 0.56 acres of tidal wetlands to construct the park expansion and temporarily impacting approximately 0.30 acres of tidal wetlands during this construction. The proposed dock marina will permanently shade 0.25 acers of tidal wetlands and open water. The City’s existing 48” drainage pipe on the southern edge of the project site would be extended under the proposed fill and includes a rock scour apron at the end of the pipe. The project purpose is to provide a continuation of the City’s River Walkway and create additional pubic waterfront space to include access by boat.

City of Charleston Dept. of Parks



The proposed work consists of the construction of an observation deck, a new public walkway, and upgrade of existing walkways in waters of the Ashley River. In detail, from the Bristol Marina to the Ashley River Bridges, 396' of existing fixed walkway and 497' of existing floating walkway will have handrails added. A new 671' x 15' floating walkway with handrails and gangway will be constructed which will extend under the Ashley River Bridges. From the Ashley River Bridges to the City Marina, a new 440' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails will be constructed to attach to the existing fixed walkway adjacent to the Marriott Hotel. A new 471' x 15' fixed walkway will be constructed from Lockwood Drive to the new Ashley River Walkway. A new 50' x 50' covered observation deck will be constructed on the river side of the Ashley River Walkway at this point. Continuing south, a new 698' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails will be constructed adjacent to the existing seawall to the Ashley Marina. A new 568' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails will be constructed from the Ashley Marina to the existing walkway for the City Marina. From the City Marina to Lockwood Drive an existing 614' x 11' to 7.5' walkway will be improved by replacing the existing handrails with new handrails, an existing 476' existing floating walkway will be replaced with a new 476' x 15' fixed walkway. A new 458' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails will be added to connect to the City Marina where an existing 35' fixed walkway will be used and improved with new handrails as part of the Ashley River Walkway. The existing 227' of floating walkway at the City Marina will be replaced with a new 227' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails. A new 499' x 15' fixed walkway with handrails will be constructed to connect the City Marina to Lockwood Drive. No mitigation has been proposed. The project purpose is to enhance public access to the Ashley River.

Carolina Yacht Club



The proposed work consists of performing maintenance dredging of a maximum of 15,000 cubic yards of sediment annually over a 5.3 acre area at the existing marina basin at the Carolina Yacht Club. The applicant proposes to perform dredging with a hydraulic pipeline dredge or by clamshell dredge utilizing an excavator and barge. The applicant proposes to dispose of the dredged material at the Drum Island, Daniel Island, or Morris Island Disposal Area. The proposed project depth is -10.0 feet MLW. According to the applicant, dredging is only performed at the site infrequently and only when absolutely necessary. During dredging operations turbidity barriers will be deployed to minimize turbidity within the waterway. The applicant has not proposed mitigation due to the nature of the proposed work which is maintenance dredging for a project that has been previously authorized and dredged in the past. The applicant has requested a ten year maintenance dredging permit. The purpose of the proposed work is to reduce navigational hazards and facilitate on-going and future use of the waterfront site as a marina for private vessels.

Agru America, LLC



The proposed work consists of constructing a HDPE pipe manufacturing and export facility which would include a production building, welding building, four storage silos, two (2) rail spurs, a stormwater pond, a bridged access road, a pipe causeway pier, a work boat supply pier, a pipe launch pier, a boat dock, two (2) boat lifts, fifty-four (54) guide piles, twenty-one (21) spar buoys and anchors, and five (5) pile dolphins. The proposed facility would also include floating pipe storage and mooring within the Cooper River. In detail, the applicant proposes to fill 1.35 acres of freshwater wetlands for the construction of two (2) rail spurs, a stormwater pond, and a laydown/site operation area. In-water structures would include the construction of seven (7) support bents, each supported by two (2) 14-in piles; a 27-ft by 360-ft launch pier; a 12-ft by 31-ft boat dock with two (2) 4-ft by 70-ft finger docks; a 36-ft by 120-ft pipe causeway pier; a 63-ft by 123-ft launch/retrieval pier; a 12-ft by 120-ft boat supply pier; a 3-ft by 29-ft access dock with two (2) 14-ft by 12-ft boat lifts; and thirteen (13) guide piles located on 50-ft centers with two (2) 7-pipe pile dolphins. Additionally, the proposed project would include the construction of a floating pipe storage and mooring area which would consist of forty-one (41) guide piles located on 50-ft centers; twenty-one (21) anchored spar buoys; and three (3) 7-pipe pile dolphins.

High Point Associates II, LLC



The proposed work consists of the  construction of a multimodal cargo and ship terminal and new wharf in the Cooper River. As shown on the attached drawings, the proposed facility would include material storage warehouses and/or storage domes, offices, maintenance building, fuel storage facilities, a shipping and transfer conveyor system, a truck receiving/loading facility, inbound/outbound associated road infrastructure, and wharf with ship-loader. In detail, the proposed in water work would consist of construction of a new 470 feet by 50 feet wharf would be constructed, with the width of the wharf at the access area approximately 75 feet wide. In total, the approximate area of the wharf is 25,625 square feet, as depicted on the attached proposed plans. The wharf would house a stationary/shuttling ship-loader and a traveling ship loader and hopper for transferring bulk materials. A 250 feet x 12 feet access runway would be constructed to allow for emergency or safety vehicle access. The access runway, as proposed, would bridge the Critical Areas and not require the placement of fill material. The construction of all proposed in-water structures would require the placement of 110 piles of various types and sizes. The applicant has proposed noise attenuation measures that would be utilized during construction activities.

Palmetto Railways



The proposed work is to construct an intermodal container transfer facility, known as the Navy Base Intermodal Facility (NBIF), and its associated infrastructure improvements at the site of the former Charleston Naval Complex. (Intermodal container transfer describes the act of transferring containerized freight between truck and railcar.) The project encompasses approximately 231.28 acres which includes the construction of approximately 174,410 feet of new track, railroad bridges, a container stacking area, vehicle travel lanes, electric wide-span gantry cranes, automated gate systems, administrative and maintenance buildings, multiple roadway bridges, and intersection and roadway upgrades.

Chem-Marine Corporation



The proposed work consists of performing routine berth maintenance dredging at the Chem-Marine Corporation facility. In detail, the applicant proposes to dredge an approximately 3.19 acre berth (150’ wide by 800’ long) to a depth of -40.0 feet MLW with an over-depth allowance of 2 feet for a total of -42.0 feet MLW. The material will be dredged by a hydraulic dredge and disposed of at the Clouter Island Dredge Material Disposal Facility via a pipeline. The anticipated dredge volume will be approximately 10,000 cubic yards annually. The purpose of the proposed work according to the applicant is to establish and maintain safe operating depths for deep-draft vessels utilizing the Chem-Marine’s berth.

PC Palmetto Investments LLC



The proposed work consists of constructing a new, single-family, residential development. The construction of the proposed residential development will result in a total of 0.504 acre impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States. Of these 0.504 acre impacts, 0.298 acre impacts will be for the placement of fill material within wetlands and/or waters of the United States for road crossings, residential lot design feasibility, and a recreational trail. Of these 0.504 acre impacts, 0.206 acre impacts within wetlands and/or waters of the United States will be for the excavation of a stormwater pond. In addition, the applicant is proposing to construct four, 4' wide boardwalks associated with their recreational trails within critical area wetlands. These boardwalks will be a minimum of 3 vertical feet above ground elevations and no cumulative impacts are associated with their construction. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States by purchasing 5.5 wetland mitigation credits from the Pigeon Pond Mitigation Bank. The project purpose is construct and complete a master-planned waterfront residential development project.

Magwood Dock, LLC



James Simmons (applicant) recently purchased Magwood Dock (formerly known as Magwood Marina) and is applying jointly to the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USAGE) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) for authorization to perform improvements to the marina infrastructure and increase the number of berths in the existing drystack storage structures. Some of this work has already occurred; therefore, this "after-thefact" application is intended to obtain authorization for infrastructure and operations that are not in compliance with the current permits and/or Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual.

The applicant proposes to make the following improvements to the facility:

• Increase the number of vessels authorized to be stored at the facility from 65 to 80

• Add fueling operations to the facility 

• Replace the current un-permitted floating dock (699 sf) with a new floating dock (968 sf)

• Reconstruct a 20' x 50' (1,000 sf) portion of the existing fixed timber pier (1,317 sf) (not in this permit-authorized by Maintenance and Repair Notification EFIS# 80605, November 25, 2014) 

• Install 30 cy of riprap and approximately 20 If of ·sheet pile bulkhead at the critical line beneath the existing fixed timber pier. to prevent erosion and undermining of the existing land-based structures 

The Repair and Maintenance work and the proposed dock improvements will result in a net· reduction in shading impacts (i.e. dock area) of 48 sf from the existing conditions. It is noted that the applicant has also proposed the addition of 39 parking spaces on the upland portion of the property to accommodate users of the facility. The applicant has stated that the purpose of the proposed work is to make improvements to an existing marina to improve safety and facilitate access to navigable waters.

Wando E, LLC


SAC 2005-05536-21Y

The proposed work consists of the installation of a floating fuel dock. In detail the project consists of installing a 20' x 80' floating fuel dock with a 10' x 14' sales office constructed on it and a 2' x 96' floating fuel chase parallel to the existing main walkway floating dock of the Wando Marina. No mitigation is proposed. The project purpose according to the applicant is to provide local and transient recreational boaters with a safe and convenient fueling station.


Town of Mount Pleasant


The proposed work consists of expanding and modifying the existing pier. In detail the applicant proposes to construct an additional curved fixed pier measuring 312’ long by 50’ wide at the widest point on the north side of the existing pier. East of the proposed pier extension, the applicant proposes to construct a floating dock that consists of 10 40’ wetslip docks and approximately 136’of side tide dockage space that is 10’ wide. The floating dock will be connected to the existing pier by two 6’ by 80’ gangways. The proposed pier extension would be a concrete structure supported by 126 18” square pre-cast concrete pilings. The floating docks would be anchored with pre-cast concrete or steel pipe piling, with the number and size to be determined based on final design. It is estimated that 30 pilings may be required for this portion of the project. The floating docks would be commercial grade concrete or aluminum framed structures. Basic utilities such as dock lighting, limited shore power, and potable water would be available. No sewage pump-out would be provided as the slips are intended for day use only. No fueling facilities are proposed. The proposed wetslips would be protected from wind, wave, and wake activity via the construction of a stand-alone fixed wave screen that would be placed on the south and west sides of the marina basin. The fixed wave screens would be supported by 41 36” steel pipe piling. A 1’ gap would be left between the bottom of the wave fence and the riverbottom to allow for water exchange and the passage of marine organisms. Concrete piles would be driven by impact hammer and steel pipe piles would be driven by vibratory hammer. The proposed pier expansion is located 1,471’ away from the federal channel in an area of the Cooper River that is approximately 4,600’ wide. This proposed expansion and modification extends the existing pier structure 8’ closer to the channel. The applicant did not propose mitigation for impacts to wetlands or waters of the United States since the proposed project would not involve the discharge of dredged or fill material. The project purpose is to provide dockage and water access for boaters to the existing Mount Pleasant Waterfront Park.