Passionate about the Waterfront and Marine Environment. No Job too BIG or too small.

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  • Preliminary Coordination
  • Site Inspection and Review
  • Environmental Impacts
  • Navigation
  • Permitting History and Research


Strategic Planning

  •  Feasibility Studies
  • Schematic Designs
  • Regulatory Considerations



  • Regulatory Coordination
  • Regulatory Permitting
  • Permit Project Management
  • Construction Management

Steven Brooks - Senior Environmental Consultant

Professional Regulatory Environmental Consultant

Select Skills & Strengths

  • 28 year tenure with SCDHEC-OCRM working in the regulatory and planning divisions.
  • Networked with Federal, State, and Local Resource Agencies. 
  • Networked with marine contractors, land surveyors, environmental consulting firms, engineers, realtors, and attorneys.
  • Interfaced with elected officials.
  • Performed wetland delineations and site assessment
  • Regularly provided education and guidance to permit applicants, marine contractors, land surveyors, and environmental consultants.
  • Reviewed and made decisions on major critical area permits, coastal zone consistency certifications, and other SCDHEC-OCRM authorizations. 


Maintained a broad scope of experience &education/training

  • Development and implementation of a Process Improvement plan for the SCDHEC Enforcement and Compliance Section
  • Received certification as a Certified Public Manager in May 2007 
  • Certified as an Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Inspector 
  • · Experience in writing & successfully managing grants & contracts
  • Conducted public hearings on high profile projects.
  • Testified in court hearings on Agency decisions

Nearly 30 Years Professional Regulatory Experience

Senior Regulatory Project Manager (SCDHEC-OCRM)    


Oversaw the performance of technical duties related to wetland section of SCDHEC

· Conducted site visits to review possible impacts of proposed critical area projects. 

· Conducted regulatory review of critical area permit applications and contributed to final Agency decisions.

· Testified in court hearings in defense of Agency permit decisions.

· Conducted wetland delineations.

· Conducted compliance inspections.

Specialized Educational Background

  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the College of Charleston in 1986
  • Certification as a Certified Public Manager in May 2007
  • Certified as an Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Inspector